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Divorce Lawyers / Family Law

Serving South Central Wisconsin, Including the Communities of Janesville and Brodhead

Divorce and family law matters frequently involve intense emotions, in addition to complex legal and financial issues. With sensitivity and exceptional legal skills, our divorce and family law attorneys work on your behalf to help achieve the best results with the least amount of emotional stress. Our divorce and family law attorneys are here to help you through what may be one of the more challenging times in your life.

close-up of woman signing divorce papers

Our Family Law Services

Family law services include divorce actions, premarital agreements, child support and maintenance, termination of parental rights, domestic abuse, custody, adoption, juvenile cases, guardian ad litem, paternity, and guardianship matters. Our divorce and family law lawyers also offer limited scope representation, which allows you to choose what specific legal services we will assist you on for either a short period of time or for a particular purpose.

Our office also has experience in acting as third-party neutrals for parties going through a divorce. In that capacity, the attorney does not represent either of the parties but, instead, is retained to work with the cooperative parties to guide them through the process.


Mark D. Kopp
Holly D. Jensen
Justin W. Henry

Contact Our Law Firm Serving South Central Wisconsin Today

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